NFT Bridge & Reward Claim Live! + New NFTs Announced

NFT Bridge & Reward Claim Live! + New NFTs Announced

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Disclaimer: Not financial advice. Always do your own research and consult a professional finance advisor before making any investments.

The long awaited announcement has finally come for all the NFT holders on Vector Smart Chain. On March 11, Yan Whittaker, co-founder of Vector Smart Chain (VSC), announced that the official NFT Bridge is now live! With the NFT Bridge, you can move your VSC NFTs (Gold, Green, Carbon, Diamond) on to Vector Smart Chain. On top of that, after bridging, you can now claim your NFT rewards!

If you were not aware, a portion of the $4USD flat transaction fee on VSC is distributed back to NFT holders as rewards. Since the launch of the VSC Mainnet, over 17.8 million VSG in rewards have been accumulated and are now available to be redeemed.

How to Bridge your VSC NFT

You will need to bridge your NFT if you wish to collect the rewards. To do so you can follow the instructions below, or join the official Telegram to receive help there.

  1. Open your wallet app (SafePal, Metamask etc), go to the in-app browser and navigate to the official VSC Dashboard: – please double check this is the website you are on before proceeding.
  2. Connect your wallet to the VSC Dashboard by clicking the wallet icon on the top right.
  3. On the dashboard menu, click “NFT Bridge”. Your NFT’s will appear on this page.
  4. For each NFT, click the “Bridge” button below it.
  5. Accept the transaction fee (this will be in ETH) to complete the bridging process, which will take a few moments per NFT depending on Ethereum congestion.

After you have completed this process, your bridged NFTs will appear on the “My Wallet” page along with any rewards you have accrued.

New NFTs Coming

The original VSC NFTs were popular items and sold out before the chain’s launch. However, if you missed them, you may have another opportunity to get some VSC NFTs. These NFTs, however, differ from the previous collections, but they will present a new opportunity to earn “residual income” from Orbit Carbon related income.

The following was announced –

“I’m proud to announce that 100 CARBON + & 200 CARBON –
Will go on sale.

These nfts will give you a percentage of our income on every carbon deal we do with orbit carbon and its clients.”

WhittakeR (Telegram)

We’ll be posting more details on these when it becomes available!

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